Monday, December 14, 2009

Woaahh O.o

Woaaahh so I haven't posted anything in a while! Like since November 29th? Wow.
Sorry about that guys! But on the bright side, I have been posting videos more frequently now :)
And I also have a lot of pre-filmed videos that I could post if I ever needed to!

Okay guys, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE help me get to 150 subscribers by mid-January! I bet we can do it :) I have faith loolll.

And right now is your chance to request any kinds of videos. Either comment on this blog, send me a message on Youtube, or leave me a comment on my channel or on one of my videos :D

Til next time! (hopefully that'll be soon lol)

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Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, buuuuut a new video will be out sometime this week!
It was my birthday on November 28th, and I was in New York and it was SO FUNNNNN!!! :D
I bought a buncha stuff from Sephora haha. I also got some stuff from Ulta and

OMGOMG you have no idea how happy I was when I saw that i had 50 subs!!
My next goal is 100 :D You guys up for it?!

Lol til next time! :)

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh hayyy :)

Hi guys,

So by birthday's coming up, and I just placed an order from Coastal Scents :D
I'll most definitely be doing a haul video when my order arrives!
Ugh, the only thing that was annoying was that the shipping fee was like $7.50! A liiiiittle pricey there, Coastal Scents.

But I didn't order from Coastal Scents because my birthday's coming up, I ordered from there cuz I had some giftcards.
BUUUT, speaking of my birthday, it's in 10 days! And I'm going to New York for my birthday in 8 days! :D
Ahhh I'm SO excited!! I SHOULD have my Coastal Scents order by then...

Till next time guys! :)

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


New video is up! I have a lot of videos already filmed and edited that I'm waiting to upload.
I might even just keep them and use them as back-up videos in case I ever need to upload a video just to put one up if I haven't uploaded one in a while :)

Okay guys, sorry for the short blog posts lately, I have a busy life! Lol :P

Till next time :)

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Neutral Looks

Hey everyone,

So I'm kinda obsessed with neutral looks, and I'm thinking about doing another makeup tutorial on a neutral look with a very bright lip. It'll be pretty much the same as my "Simple Fall Look" makeup tutorial, and pretty much the same eyeshadows, lol but it'll be easier, and I thiiink it'll look different? Hahah

I'm gonna try to get AT LEAST one video per video.
Till next time!

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hey guyssss!

So, a new video should be up in a matter of minutes :D

I neeed video ideas! And you guys have to REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST! Lol, I can't guarantee that I'll do all of them, but I'll try and pick ones that I think will benefit my subscribers. Hahah all 30 of them :)
I have gotten a few requests, but I'm not feelin them lol...
I'll most likely end up doing them anyway! :)

Don't forget to comment and rate the new video, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE (if you're not already) :D

Till next time guys!

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New video soon! and Updateeee :)

Hey everyone!

So I just finished filming and editing a new video! It should be up (by the latest) tomorrow afternoon :D

Nothing really's been going on with me lately. I think I should do a vlog on my channel soon, lol I feel like I should.
Hmm, I dunno...

Well this was just a little update blog since I haven't updated in a while lol.
Til next time!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

LOL at Youtube...

Don't you hate it when you're uploading a video on to Youtube, and it take like 2 hours to upload, but within the last 5 minutes of uploading, an "error occurs". ;KADSFJKADSFAFJAK;SLDFJKL;ADFSJALSJFDKLASJKF;L

Seriously, Youtube?!?!?!?

Hahaha oh welll, shiz happens =/

OH but I got my e.l.f. stuff today!!! :D
So right when I got the package in the mail, I filmed a haul video, and that's the video that I tried to upload today.
But it's 11:45 right now, so I'm not going to attempt to upload it again until tomorrow. Lol, hopefully it'll work (oh, IT WILL).

So like, I'm on like a shopping craze right now. I've made a list of like all the makeup I want, and it's ridiculous.
But the good thing is, it's the holiday season, and it's also almost my birthday, meaning I'll get some gooodies :D
My birthday's November 28, (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).

Alright, well hopefully my e.l.f. haul video will be up tomorrow!
So till next time guys! :)

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Sooo. Much. Homework.
Well, I have to read half a book by tomorrow, and it is now 11:45 PM.
I should do that now. lolll

Oh yeah, and apparently my e.l.f. package isn't supposed to be delivered to my house until Thursday?!?!?! WTF.

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Monday, November 2, 2009


AUGHHHH I'm so frustrated right now because I have so much homework to do, and my internet is being soooo slow! Lol it's so annoying!
Lately, my throat's been hurting very badly, but don't worry, I don't think it's swine flu! hahaha

Buuuut on a brighter note, my e.l.f. package is due to arrive on Wednesday! :D
So I will definitely be doing a haul video on that! Ahhhhh, I'm SO excited :D :D :D
Oh yeah, and I've decided that for haul videos, and videos that are not how-to videos, or makeup looks, I will use my Macbook's built-in iSight to film.
But for videos where I need to zoom and have good quality/lighting, then I will use my camera.
Because, there's really no need to waste my camera's memory on hauls.
Oh, and my mom was SUPPOSED to get me another memory card for my camera yesterday, and she didn't.
Then I asked her again today, and she didn't. Lol I hope she does tomorrow! hahah :)

So yeah, I posted a new video:
It's the first video of my "Quick Tips" videos. I think they'll be very helpful! :D

Till next time guys! :)

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

New video and my Halloween!

Hey everyone!

So I just filmed and edited a new video. It's exporting from iMovie as I speak!
I think I'll film one more short video today (after I finish my homework), since it's Sunday, and really my only day to make videos. But of course, you know I'll probably end up making one during the week because I procrastinate SO MUCH lol.

My new video is "DIY: How To Make Your Own Sugar Lip Scrub", and it's similar to my "DIY: How To Make Your Own Lip Gloss" video, but of course it's two totally different things. I think you guys will like it just as much! :D

Alright, so my Halloween was fantastic!!! Lol sooo much candaayyy :D
But my other friend couldn't come with us because he was going trick-or-treating with his cousins :P Also, I think it's just ridiculous when people don't even dress up as anything and go trick-or-treating anyway. It's not fair to everyone else who dresses up because they don't put any effort into their costume, and they still get free candy! Although, I shouldn't be talking, seeing as how I put my costume together 30 minutes before I went trick-or-treating, but at least I dressed up as something! Hahah, I also think that it's silly how some people drive around in cars to go trick-or-treating, rather than just walking. I mean, what fun is that? It's like, drive two feet, stop, drive two feet, stop. The point of Halloween is to walk around "scaring evil spirits" with your costume! Oh well, lol some people just don't get it, so whatever :P

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Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hey everyone!

So today is Halloween, and guess what?!
I still don't have a costume.
I think I wanna be a hippie, and I have some stuff for the costume including, a gold peace necklace, a tie-dye shirt, a peace sign shirt, grey leggings, leg-warmers, boots, moccasins and/or zebra flats.

I'm going to Walgreens soon (hopefully) and I'm hoping that they have a hippie vest with fringe. I also need to get a gold headband to put around my head lol :)

I'm going trick-or-treating with my best friend, Doris in her neighborhood later today, and I think her other friend is coming with us. I am SO excited!!! FREE CANDY, HERE I COME! :D


My e.l.f. package should be delivered by Tuesday I think! :D :D
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Hello there :)

Hey everyone!

It's 3:20 AM, and I'm still awake.
So, I decided to make a blog.
I posted 2 NEW videos today: "DIY: How To Make Your Own Lip Gloss" and "Target Haul!".
So yeah, I don't know how often I'm going to update this blog, but you never know, I could get addicted, like Twitter (which I don't update on that much anymore =/)

Oh yeah!! So I ordered a buncha stuff from e.l.f. a few days ago, so expect a haul video soon-ish lol :)

Also, check out my Youtube channel if you haven't already, although most of you are here because you heard of this from my Youtube... oh well, here's the URL anyway lol:

Alright, so this is it for my first blog post! Message me on Youtube, or leave a comment on one of my videos if you have a request for a video you would like me to make! :D


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